Enroll your New Student
What you need to enroll your students:
Access to a computer or tablet, email account (Don't have an email account? Create a free account through Gmail, Outlook, or another free service)
Proof of age and legal name (Birth certificate or passport)
Proof of Current Address (Utility bill, rental agreement, earnest money agreement)
Current Immunization Records (Certificate of Immunization)
Follow steps 1 to 4 below
1. Complete enrollment forms
Families may also pick up registration material in the counseling office
2. Fill out forms and surveys
- Link to Forecasting Forms / Enlace para Formularios de previsión
- Language Use Survey: English / Spanish / Marshallese / Arabic / Chinese / *More languages not listed
The purpose of the Language Use Survey is to help the school determine if your child qualifies for additional Title III support in language instruction for English learners. Title III provides support for English. Required for all students.
This information provided on this questionnaire will help your students Counselor better meet the needs you and your student may have. / Esta información proporcionada en este cuestionario ayudará al Consejero de su estudiante a satisfacer mejor las necesidades que usted y su estudiante puedan tener.
3. Send Forms and Document to Counseling Office- Envíe los documentos
Fillable forms and paperwork can be emailed to the registrar, SWhite@ttsd.k12.or.us or fac, 503-431-5640. / Pueden enviar los formularios por correo electrónico a Registrar, SWhite@ttsd.k12.or.us, o enviado por fax 503-431-5640.
4. Pick up student Chromebook and set up Canvas and ParentVue accounts
Student enrolling over summer will pick up their device at the beginning of the year. Mid-year transfers: once the student is enrolled and was issued a student ID please stop by the main office to sign out a Chromebook and charger.
If you haven't done so during the online enrollment process, please email Tualatinhighmainoffice@ttsd.k12.or.us to create and activate your ParentVue and Canvas account.