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Girls Golf

1. Start Date—OSAA Spring Sport: Monday, February 26 th (2024)—


a. Make sure you are cleared to participate prior to the first day of practice!
b. Physical
c. Registration form
d. Clearance Form
e. Transportation Form

2. Fundraising—Poster is all we’ll do. I am asking each member of the golf team to solicit two businesses to
purchase advertising space on our poster. The fee is $200 per business card. Due February 18 th so the
poster can be designed, approved and printed. Please take charge with this project (it pays for our rain gear,
practice cards, greens fees, and golf balls for competition.

3. Practice Schedule-Transportation (on your own)—Be sure to complete the “TRANSPORTATION FORM”
 Tualatin Country Club (TCC)
 Red Tail Golf Center (Driving Range)
 Various local golf courses (Charbonneau, King City, Summerfield)—Tualatin Island Greens?

4. Meet Schedule— We will also add additional tournaments for JV and Developmental team members

5. Preparation—flexibility, strength, endurance, wrists (ruby red grapefruit)
 Lessons with local professionals--$25-$40 per hour
 Practice the difficult things about the game—not just your current strengths
 Know the updated rules (New in 2019)

6. Equipment: Clubs, Shoes, Tees, (Balls, Bags, Visor, Polo, Pullover supplied by team)

7. Dress: Proper golf attire, Team gear (PLEASE FOLLOW THESE RULES)
 Purchase in these colors please! (Black, Anthracite (grey), Crimson, White)
 Polo (Black & Gray)—all members of golf team
 Varsity: Nike ¼ zip (Anthracite), Visor (black)—Coach supplied

8. Course Etiquette—Remember, you’re always being watched and you represent something larger than
“you”. Please always be respectful! It is a must.

9. Integrity: Score Keeping—Be accurate! Check with competitors about your score and theirs. It only takes
one time of being dishonest to lose your integrity forever—rumors fly! Honor system is essential and vital
for Tualatin Golfers!

10. Clearance: Please make sure that you have clearance forms and registration turned in to the Athletic Office
prior to the first day of golf practice. If this has not been done, you will not be allowed to practice/try out
until you’re cleared.

11. Eligibility and Grade Checks
 Bi-weekly grade checks are required—Mr. Wadsworth will assign if necessary
 Please make sure you are taking care of your number 1 priority!!!

12. Phone List and contact information & Other important information

13. TCC & Red Tail Golf Center: Expectations
 Proper behavior and attire are expected—we are guests!
Ball pick dates—will know in February

1. Fundraising—IT IS A MUST!
a. We have spent a lot of money trying to put together a top-notch program. TURN IN
YOUR PAPERWORK AND CHECK ASAP—Due February 16, 2024 to Coach Wadsworth.
b. Your donated money goes toward:
i. Competition golf balls
ii. Range fees (Red Tail Driving Range) and Charbonneau Greens Fees
iii. Rain jackets and embroidery
iv. Caps and visors
v. Sweatshirts (yet to be ordered) Crew or Hooded Sweatshirts?
vi. Golf bags (12 have been ordered) and embroidery
vii. Need Sizes ASAP

2. Calendar and Schedule
a. Subject to change in a moment’s notice (pay close attention to our communication
system and communicate with your guardians immediately)
b. BOLD versus ordinary script (BOLD is COMPETITION)—know where you’re supposed to
c. Communicate with coach!!!
3. GroupMe or other source—be sure to upload information!
4. JV and Developmental Coach—Coach Brian Miller!!! Yippie!!!
5. Get Registered (signed up) NOW!!! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST DAY!!!
a. Via Athletic Website—be sure to have a physical if you’re a Freshman or Junior!
b. 12 players will make the team (12 lowest scores)
c. Space is limited at the courses to 12 members. I don’t like it, but that is what we have
available. Be prepared to play!
d. 10 competition spots (5 varsity and 5 JV)
6. Packbackers help!
a. January 27 th
b. 1-9 PM
c. Sell 50/50 tickets
d. I’ll give Tualatin gear to wear
7. Lamberton Scholarship—Portland Golf Club (Sophomore)
It’s that time of year to re-introduce you to the Portland Golf Club Rick Lamberton Scholar
Athlete program. As we move into the first part of 2024, we will start the application process for
our next 2 Class of 2026 Lamberton scholars. Our program is open to any Sophomore high
school golfer within a designated mileage radius of Portland Golf Club. Tualatin HS falls within
that radius.