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Who has Access to the Den


  • SICK STUDENTS.  Please use an e-hallpass or call the main office to request security to escort if unsteady. Call Kristie Bullock (5690) if the student requires a wheelchair escort. Call 911 if it is a medical emergency and then call Kristie to notify her of the student’s name and that a call has been made.
  • STUDENTS WITH MEDICATIONS.  These students have parent/doctor protocols in place with our nurse, Nancy Haning.  
  • STUDENTS WITH BREAK PASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Students with break passes will now report directly to THE DEN. They will not walk the halls/wander. Their time and activities will be monitored. Please use e-hallpass for this purpose.
  • STUDENTS WITH CLASSROOM INCIDENTS- LOW LEVEL. Students having difficulty regulating, disrupting after multiple interventions, etc., may be sent (at teacher discretion). For repeated low level incidents, teachers may complete TuHS Behavior Tracker & Disciplinary Referral as per the TuHS Leveled Sanctions if the behavior continues after the teacher has partnered with the parent(s)/guardian(s). Students will be expected to regulate and identify why they were unable to access the support provided in the classroom setting (by the teacher).  Den-level interventions will be tracked. You may follow up with Val Brown (; x5667) regarding these incidents and can expect communication from an adult who engages with them in this space. 


  • ATTENDANCE CONCERNS.  Jessica Miller (; x5769) and Val Brown (; x5667) are tasked with supporting Re-Engagement. Please submit a TuHS Behavior Tracker & Disciplinary Referral if you are concerned about a student who is habitually missing your class despite efforts to intervene. 

  • CONFLICT RESOLUTION and TRAUMA INFORMED CARE.  Nearly every staff member will be trained in both areas. Reports of prior trauma, bullying, or conflict can be referred to THE DEN. 

  • MULTICULTURAL COORDINATOR. Claudia Núñez, CRC office is located in our Counseling center.


  • HIGH-LEVEL INCIDENTS - For classroom or hallway incidents that involve safety (threats, illicit substances, direct, biased-language, weapons), please call Nina Goodell (5604). A security person/administrator will be sent to your room immediately. You may follow up with the administrator attached to the student’s alpha regarding these incidents. You may be asked to write up your observations of the incident or write an Incident Referral via TuHS Behavior Tracker & Disciplinary form. 


  • POSTED AROUND THE BUILDING. Monitoring the vestibule and two other high-traffic areas during class time.  
  • SAFETY RESPONSE.  Responding to medical and safety incidents that arise throughout the building. 
  • PARKING / BUSES. Supporting the ingress and egress of students safely. 
  • LUNCH MONITORING. Roving monitoring of student activity during lunches.